Primary school design - سارا لعل شهسوار - 1

خانم سارا لعل شهسوار

Primary school design - سارا لعل شهسوار - 2

Site Location

Rudaki St. – Urmia – West Azerbaijan – Iran


With the growing population of Urmia city, the need for schools increases drastically.

Since the number of primary schools in Parvas township does not match the number of primary students who live in this area, a site was selected, with the goal to design a primary school with the help of primary school guidelines and common knowledge in Rudaki St. which provides and accommodates to the needs for the best education in the said location.

The nature of education is very important in the primary stages of human life because its effect is prominent in the development of personality. Because in Schools different factors play different roles in the development of personality.

Given the importance of communication, the school is designed to make accessibility, availability and approachability of different facilities much easier.

This projects, The Green Land Primary school, design is based on green architecture movement and energy saving with the aim of becoming a self-sufficient building. For achieving this goal, the below energy saving design techniques and features are used:

. Instalment of solar panels on the 3rd floor roof which is both the highest part of the building and the most sunlight receiving surface in the School Ground.

. collecting rain water with the help of a giant vertically inverted glass cone and using it for the irrigation of the surrounding green areas.

.Using heat resistant and soundproof materials such as concrete, as the main construction material.

. Instalment of enormous skylights to get the most sunlight during the day.

Different parts of The Green Land primary school:

The designed school has a “L “shaped form, which is ideal for Primary Schools because it creates both an isolated playground surrounded by the main building and an open playground with the view of mountains.

The isolated playground creates a secure area for students to play and study in.

The building is divided into 3 main parts the west wing, main entrance and the east wing.

The main entrance is located on the norths side of the building and close to the road.

The School keepers house is on the west side of the building and the parking lot is on its east side.

Practical classes, homeroom classes, library, playrooms, laboratory and self-service are on the west wing. Offices, chairman’s room and conference room are on the east wing.

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